(Photo Credit:) theex.com
The Canadian National Exhibition (CNE) is back! And I am super excited! CNE 2022 is happening from Friday, August 19 to Monday, September 5, 2022.
It’s been 2 years of CNE going virtual and not allowing public to show up due to the pandemic and the lockdown. But I am so happy that it’s back this year in person!
As a kid, I always enjoyed CNE. In fact, CNE was one of the first events that we attended as a family when we immigrated to Canada back in the late 80s. I had a fond memory of this event growing up as a kid to teenage years and to adulthood.
In fact, going to CNE has been a traditional annual family outing for our family. I am sure my parents miss it. I hope to bring my parents back this year to check out the CNE.
What’s your favourite part of CNE?
For me, I enjoyed the games, whack-a-mole was my forte as I whacked the moles so hard and won all the big plush toys. Attending live concerts was also my favourite part. Feeling the breeze, enjoying the sound of the music in the summer night!
And of course, the food and the unique wacky new food items that sure to continue to impress us every year!
I can’t wait to see what’s in store this year for CNE 2022!
Click here to learn more about CNE 2022.
To buy tickets, please click here.