Comicpalooza – Texas’ Largest Pop Culture Festival – 2023 [HOUSTON TRAVEL SERIES]


As part of our Houston Press Trip, one of the amazing events that our MoVernie Crew were covering was Comicpalooza. It’s Texas’ largest pop culture festival.

I have to admit, this marked my 1st time attending any Comic related event and I felt in luv! What took me so long to cover and experience such amazing event? I guess it’s better late than never.

I really had an awesome time attending Comicpalooza. This venue was huge, it was very well-organized, from the streets near the convention centre, they were blocked off for pedestrian to safely walk towards the festival. PoPo were everywhere to direct traffic. There was designated pick up and drop off zones for Uber and Lyft.

It was super fascinating to see so many peeps dressing up in different characters or animated heroes. Most of them made their own DIY costumes and they all looked amazing and the attention-to-detail were off the charts!

What I appreciate most was the sense of unity among everyone. It is a close knit community, everyone respects each other. When I asked for selfie or take pics, most of them were very receptive. In fact, many of them felt a sense of satisfaction when someone wanted to take a pic with them.

Just look at this group pic of the Spider heroes.

I also feel this is an occasion where peeps can dress whatever characters they want and dress however unique they like and the public will not judge you. You let your inner fantasy put into reality.

Comicpalooza was huge, there were so many floors with unique activities to experience and to see. I saw people teaching others how to dance KPop or gamers playing old video games with old Nintendo or Sega Genesis.

We saw people selling animated posters, costumes, figurines, you name it, they probably sell them.

There were speaking panels as experts shared their insights and experiences with the audiences including topics such as the industry and trends, including AI and robots.

Fans also lined up to pay for a chance to meet & greet with celebrities or actors from their favourite shows. Many fans were very excited to get autographs and taking selfies with their favourite characters.

In particular, I really enjoyed the Star Wars section as there were so many props and characters who allowed us to take pics with.

Dark Vader in da building!

Star Wars machine for me to sit and pose.

And I bumped into Raphael from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! I grew up loving the show and the action figures! My inner big kid in me shined in this show! LOL

After walking for so long and roaming within the festival, we went up a few floors to the Hospitality Lounge to grab a drink, eat some snacks and just rest up. It’s great being media and we always appreciate the kind welcome!

Overall, we had a wonderful time here at Comicpalooza. If you never been and wanted to plan your trip visiting Houston, Texas for next year, be sure to purchase tix and plan now as they will be held next year from May 24-26, 2024.

My team just informed me that there is Fan Expo Canada in Toronto every year that I should cover. So, we submitted our media application for me and my crew to cover Fan Expo in our own backyard in downtown Toronto. Hopefully, they will grant us media access, fingers crossed!

Remember, we may not be the die-hard comic or animated channel, but we are ALWAYS open minded to learn and explore new interests and hobbies, generate content and share with our loyal audiences. Peeps need to start somewhere and it is always great for us to cover different areas of interests.

If you live in Toronto or wanted to visit Toronto, Fan Expo Toronto is being held in August 24-27, 2023 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre (MTCC).

The media accreditations were provided by Comicpalooza with the assistance from Houston First as part of the Press Trip. However, as always, the opinions expressed in this post is entirely my own.


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