Michelin Guide – Rossoblu Restaurant – Los Angeles, California, USA
During IPW, I was invited by Houston First Tourism for a private dinner. And I…
During IPW, I was invited by Houston First Tourism for a private dinner. And I…
I luv Washington DC, USA! I went on a road trip long time ago driving…
是什麼讓餐廳值得米其林星級? 在我看來,它結合了高品質的食材、頂級的烹飪技巧、味道、美味和出色的執行力,菜餚的複雜性必須有意義。 氣氛、裝飾、場地空間必須舒適,並提供優質的服務。 最重要的是,許多人並不總是注意到……是一致性。 每次您一次又一次訪問時,一切都處於最高水平嗎?伺服器和團隊必須工作良好並提供一致的服務和品質。更重要的是,我希望當我向服務員提出問題時,他們應該知識淵博,對每道菜都有了解,而不是向我提供“我不知道,不確定這道菜的成分或原理”。 MoVernie 測試:在品嚐菜單的整個過程中,我去了洗手間兩次,然後我回頭看看服務員多久注意到我離開了椅子,以便他/她可以折疊我的餐巾。兩次,只花了不到10秒,工作人員就來幫我折餐巾。做得好!起重機團隊出色地通過了 MoVernie 測試。 Cranes (1 Michelin Star) – Washington…
What makes a restaurant Michelin Star worthy? In my opinion, it combines with high quality…
Washington DC is home to many great restaurants and bars. In particular, they have many Michelin…
My brother and I were invited by several number of fashion designers to attend their…
I was invited by several number of fashion designers to attend their fashion shows during…