Tips & Recommendations – CNE 2022 (August 19 – September 5, 2022)


Canadian National Exhibition (CNE) is FINALLY back and I am super excited. Growing up, I luv CNE, especially the Whack-A-Mole or Horse Racing games to win plush toys! And as I grew up more, I luv to check out the FREE live concerts and enjoying ice cold beer under the breezy evening.

If you would like to read my overall experience at CNE 2022, please click here to read my other MoVernie BLOG.

I have compiled a list of tips and recommendations so that you and your loved ones will enjoy this year’s CNE a lot more and making things more efficient and enjoyable for you! Hope you appreciate my list below.

Transportation & Parking

– Quite honestly, if you have a choice, I don’t recommend you to drive coz it’s hard to find parking around the area and even if you do find parking, it’s freak’in expensive. I have seen parking charging as high as $40 CDN a spot near the Princes’ Gates. Moreover, you will be stuck in traffic for a long while.

– I think taking the TTC Street Cars such as 510 or 509 would be the BEST alternatives. It’s relatively cheaper and both routes go straight to the CNE.

– If you are taking TTC buses, that’s also another good alternative.

– I wouldn’t recommend taking Uber or Lyft either as you are stuck in traffic as the rides approach the area.

– GO Train is another perfect option since there is a station that it stops at the Exhibition Place, which is literally beside the CNE. If your GO Train doesn’t make a stop at the Exhibition Place, then you can take it to Union Station and then take 509 to CNE.

– If you really need to park, perhaps park a little further down from CNE and walk for a few blocks. That way, the parking spots maybe a little bit cheaper. You may consider parking near the Loblaws Building at Bathurst & Lake Shore or park your vehicle near the Billy Bishop Airport.

– Of course, if money isn’t an object and you prefer to park closer with convenience, there are parking spots around the CNE such as the Princes’ Gates, Fort York, near the baseball field, at Hotel X, at Ontario Place, so you got options.

– If you are riding your bicycle, there is FREE bicycle parking racks outside of the Princes’ Gates.

Things to Bring

– Double check with the CNE website to see what is allowed for you to bring and what isn’t.

– Bring sunscreen if you are under the sun all day, bring your reuseable water bottle as you need to stay hydrated but more importantly, there are many water stations for you to refill your bottles.

– Bring an umbrella if the weather forecast is showing showers or heavy rain

– Bring a backpack or fanny pak to carry your essentials as there are free samples that are handed out throughout the venue by different brands.

How to Maximize Your Experience at the CNE

– Try to purchase your tickets online as it generates scan codes for you to scan at the gates and save yourself from lining up to buy tickets on the spot, this will save you time.

– Try not to bring loads of personal items when entering the gates, but if you do, be prepared to take things out for inspections.

– Across the entrance at the Princes’ Gates, there is a booth which they hand out FREE sanitizer, it’s a nice touch by CNE and I highly recommend you to take one. It’s a mini bottle that is easy to carry around and when you open doors, touch products or play some games or rides, it’s nice to have sanitizer handy to wipe your hands. At the end of the day, we still have to take care and protect ourselves as much as we can.

– If you plan to purchase craft beer at the Food Trucks section, you need to go to the booth to purchase tokens. Each craft beer booth will ONLY accept tokens and not cash or debit/credit cards.

– If it’s raining hard, go inside the Enercare Centre. Not only there are so many things to see and do inside, but it is air conditioned, so if it’s humid or hot outside and you want to cool down, this is THE SPOT! But more importantly, you are shelter from the outside rain.

– Check out the schedule for Live Kitchen cooking demos and live cultural dances and performances inside the Enercare Centre.

– There are in-and-out privilege BUT make sure you get a stamp on your hand before you exit, coz the hand stamp is the way for you to re-enter back to the CNE.

– If you don’t like the food and beverages being served at CNE, you can always use the in-and-out privilege and go to the Hotel X and enjoy a nice indoor meal with service before you go back into the CNE.

– Bring enough cash for you and your family. Most games don’t accept debit/credit cards but only accept cash. And many of the games aren’t cheap, they range from $5 to $10 CDN per game, so bring enough for your enjoyment.

– When you are ordering food and beverages inside the Food Building, I highly recommend you to bring your food and drinks outside and indulge. It’s super hot inside the building.

– CNE is a huge space so pace yourself, don’t rush and if you need a break, take a break. And if you can’t conquer everything, that’s ok, pick the areas and activities that you really want to check out.

Check out the schedule for live concerts. There are many sections at the CNE that provides live music. The biggest one is at the Bandshell Stage. But you can also enjoy live music at the Northern Saloon, outside the casino or the stage outside and inside the Enercare Centre. They each play a different genre of music.

– With the CNE such a huge venue space, it’s important you talk to your loved ones to pick a spot where you guys can meet up in case some of you got lost and couldn’t find others especially if you have kids or family members who doesn’t carry a smartphone.

– When buying tickets for the Midway, check out how many tickets for most of these rides, so you can better plan on how many tickets you plan to purchase. The lift that guides you from one end of the Princes’ Gates to the BMO field takes 6 tickets for a ride (each lift carries about 2 people comfortably). Also, be patient as the lineup for the lift is super long due to popular demand. Personally, I prefer to take the lift during the evening and taking it from the BMO Field side, coz the lift will be heading in the direction where I can see the CN Tower. And when I am done with the lift, it’s closest to the Princes’ Gates where I exit the CNE.

– The iconic water fountain outside of Bandshell Stage now provides lawn chairs for people to sit and relax watching the water flowing out of the water fountain. It’s very relaxing.

And there is also a Vinfast electric vehicle located side the water fountain.

– Of course, if you are bringing your little ones, keep an eye on them and try your best to keep them around you.

– Wear comfortable shoes, clothes, dress for the occasion. It’s hot during the day but could be breezy during the evening, so a thin jacket would be suggested. Bring sunglasses during the day and prescription glasses during the night

– Personally, I always like to visit CNE at around 4:00 PM, that way, it’s not too hot with the direct sun, but I get to experience both day & night. It’s different feeling and experience and when things lit up during the night, it’s so cool!

– CNE offers a $11 CDN specials on evenings after 5:00 PM from Mondays to Thursdays (exclude Labour Day Monday). You have to purchase on the day of either in person or online. But check here for the entire tix INFO.

– CNE offers free shuttle rides that moves you from one place to another. Whether you are able or not able, with baby strollers or wheel chairs, the shuttle rides are accessible by everyone. I do suggest you get familiarize with all the shuttle rides pickup and drop off spots. There are many Information Booths all over the venue space that you can ask.

There you have it! These are my tips and recommendations at CNE 2022. Hope you find the lists helpful. If you have any other suggestions and tips that I miss, feel free to reach out to me and let me know. I will definitely add them to my list. Thanks for reading and until next time, MoVernie OUT!

Canadian National Exhibition (CNE) – Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Located in: Exhibition Place
Address: 210 Princes’ Blvd, Toronto, ON M6K 3C3
Phone: (416) 263-3330

The media passes were provided by Canadian National Exhibition (CNE). However, as always, the opinions expressed in this post is entirely our own.


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