With the #31st Pick in the 2nd Round, the Toronto Raptors Selects….Jonathan Mogbo from San Francisco


Round 2 of the 2024 NBA Draft resumes today at 4:00 PM ET, this is the 1st time that the NBA Draft is being conducted on 2 consecutive days. I personally luv this 2-day concept as it’s getting tiring for TV to show the late rounds and no one really cares.

By having it on the 2nd day, it allows the NBA executives to refresh and take a breather, take in calls and let dust settle and see who they should draft in the 2nd round (if they still have draft picks to draft).

And it gives the NBA fans a chance to recuperate.

Without further adieu, with the #31st Pick in the 2nd Round, the Toronto Raptors Selects….Jonathan Mogbo from San Francisco.

Jonathan Modbo

6’6″ – 225 lbs
22 years old

Click here to learn more about Jonathan Mogbo.




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