My Interview with Skating Legend, Elvis Stojko


MoVernie posing with Elvis StojkoElvis Stojko Autograph

I have been interviewing quite a number of celebs nowadays but nothing beat interviewing my childhood idol, Elvis Stojko. He is a skating legend, a 2-time Olympics Silver Medalist. When I was young, I would glued to the television to watch his amazing chreographed skating routine. I would never thought that I could actually interview my idol years later. It just shows “Nothing is Impossible”. I am grateful and I cherish every moment.

In front of the television, through interviews and through his skating routines, you could sense that Elvis is a very nice person and a genuine person. Let me assure you that behind the scenes and in real-life, Elvis is also a true gentlemen and a down-to-ice individual. The moment I introduced myself, he was very talkative and very welcoming to both me and my PPTV producer, SammyT. We chatted, we talked about everything. I have to say…Elvis is one of the easiest person to interview. When you ask him a question, he has alot of content and his opinion to contribute. I don’t have to probe much, he just have alot to say, which makes my interviewing job easy and I appreciate his views on things in life.

I asked Elvis many questions but one that will always stick in my mind was the question I asked him if he has any suggestions/advices for the younger generations who wants to enter the skating world. He replied by saying that, whether it’s the skating world or anything in life, just be yourself, no one should take away who you want to be and how you want to live your life. Just follow your dreams and be what you are comfortable with. At that moment, I re-assured myself that “Yes, MoVernie is MoVernie, I am who I am, nothing can take away that from me”.

Did you know that Elvis married a gorgeous Mexican girl? Did you also know that Elvis drives go-kart nowadays and one day hoping to be in the racing league? Stay tuned for my upcoming interview with Elvis Stojko on with my MoVernie on the Move video to find out more. Stay tuned!


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