Plaka – A Historic District in Athens, Greece [GREECE TRAVEL SERIES]


Athens, Greece was one of the ports that the Celebrity Beyond cruise ship docked as one of the itinerary on our trip.

One of the spots that we visited was called “Plaka“. This is a historic district that has so much to offer. We highly recommend you to roam around this interesting neighbourhood.

There are tons of local businesses that sell clothes, souvenirs, ceramic and many family-run cafe and restaurants. There are many beautiful old historic buildings such as the churches, residential buildings.

What’s interesting is that…..from one side there are many restaurants, outdoor patio cafe and then on the end, there is an open space preserving old ancient ruins, historic buildings and monuments. It’s incredible to be able to travel back in time to witness these ancient landmarks and blend with the present times.

We were roaming the streets in this area during daylight and we felt very safe walking around. Of course, you have to use street smart anywhere you travel even if places are deem safe.

In particular, the cobblestone pathways and streets are such beauty to look and walk on.

I really appreciate the history and the workmanship of these architectural buildings and construction made in the past.

MoVernie QUESTION: Have you ever tried these fish tank massages? Apparently, it’s super popular in Greece and apparently, they believe the fishes suck the dead skin off the human feet are great for our skin. We tried it before at Rhodes, Greece a long time ago, it was an unique experience, it tickle a bit as little fishes came swimming by your feet to suck the dead skin. Whether it has any medicinal benefits are not yet for certain but it’s definitely an experience that I always remembered doing with my family. My parents luv it!


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