Zirkova Ultra Premium Vodka – Leap Year Birthday Celebrations (February 29)


Zirkova Ultra Premium Vodka - Leap Year Birthday Celebrations (February 29)

To all the people out there who was born on a Leap Year (February 29)! You are not forgotten. Let us give you a toast and wish you a Happy Birthday! Best wishes to you!

In case you don’t know what is a “Leap Year”, it’s February 29 which happens every 4 years. Imagine you were born on this special day that happens every 4 years? You are either celebrating your birthday on February 28 or March 1.

Anyhow, we wanted to show you our luv. Zirkova LUV! Cheers!

What is Leap Year? It’s the extra day of February 29 to compensate for our underestimating of Earth’s orbit. It takes just a little more than 365 days for Earth to go around the sun once. This special extra day is needed every 4 years to compensate the little more time for the sun to complete the orbit.

Zirkova Together & Zirkova One are available at participating LCBO locations.

The Zirkova Together & Zirkova One ultra premium vodka are provided by Zirkova and this is a paid campaign. However, as always, the opinions expressed in this post is entirely my own.




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